The final exams for the current academic year began last Sunday, June 30, 2024, at the Faculty of Public Health in Al-Jamil, University of Sabratha. The college witnessed a large attendance of students who came to take their exams in various specializations, as these exams form a vital part of assessing their academic performance.

The college administration ensured that the examination halls were prepared and all necessary supplies were provided to ensure the exams run smoothly and quietly. A precise schedule was also prepared to distribute the exams over a specific period, allowing students ample time to prepare for each subject without feeling pressured.

The administration emphasized the importance of students adhering to health guidelines and exam-related instructions to ensure their safety and the safety of everyone. They expressed confidence in the students' abilities and the importance of their good preparation for this crucial stage of their academic journey.

We wish all the students success in their final exams and hope they achieve the best results that contribute to their academic and professional advancement.